Canva Content Planner

Canva Content Planner and Social Scheduler Review 2024

OK, so I’ve been toying with the idea of switching from Tailwind to the New Canva Content Planner and Social Scheduler (Canva Content Calendar)….BUT … Tailwind is so fantastic…and is by far the best social media scheduler and content planner out there! So, the answer to your question… should you switch to Canva? Is an emphatic no!

This was a pretty big play for Canva! I’ve been a mega fan and an early adopter of Canva for a number of years and what Melanie has built is nothing short of outstanding. 🧡

The fact that she’s an Antipodean is even better… fellow Antipodean here… not at all bias 🤣

Moving into the content scheduling space is a really bold move… with some really big players like Buffer, Tailwind, Social Sprout and Hootsuite already dominating…

However, I thought Canva had a pretty clever wee plan here … but sadly, their product simply didn’t evolve or get any better. With frustrations abounding.

I’ve been in Tech as a CMO for a long while now and was excited to see Canva move into this space. But am sticking with Tailwind! And, so should you.

Below I go into detail about Canvas scheduler…. but noting ever progressed – meanwhile- Tailwind has!

My advice? Stick with Tailwind. It has a far superior offering for social and content scheduling.

Disclaimer: This post contains links, that if clicked, and you make a purchase, or start a trial, I may make a small commission, at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I 🧡

  1. What is Canva?
  2. What is the Canva Content Planner and Scheduler?
  3. Grab your free 30 day trial of Canva Pro here!
  4. How to use the Canva Content Planner and Scheduler
  5. Pros of the Canva Content Planner
  6. Cons of Canva Content Planner 
  7. Tips for using Canva Content Planner
    1. Organise your folders! 
    2. Now you can schedule your Instagram posts with the Canva content planner
    3. How to post to Instagram using the Canva Content Calendar
    4. Schedule direct from your Pin design page 
    5. Schedule your Canva designs direct to Facebook Groups
  8. Using Canva as a LinkedIn Post Scheduler
  9. Wrap up

What is Canva?

Canva is graphic design software that allows even novice designers and marketers to easily create beautiful and unique graphics for their blogs, businesses and personal use.You can literally design just about anything in Canva! From Facebook Covers, Pins and Instagram posts to presentations, resumes, ebooks and brand logos!

The best part is that Canva is free. But! There are huge benefits to upgrading to a Canva Pro account. Including access to a tonne of great Pro images, the ability to create multiple folders, the use of a brand kit (see image ➡️ ) and the latest feature, the Canva Content Scheduler and planner (Canva Content Calendar).

Canva brand kit image

What is the Canva Content Planner and Scheduler?

A lot of people are asking lately “Can you schedule content in Canva?” and the answer now, is YES! yes you can!

The Canva Content Planner is a new feature on Canva… it’s essentially a content calendar… it’s under the Canva Pro, Canva Enterprise, and Canva NonProfits plans- BUT you can try it totally free.

You can literally post and schedule your content to your social networks and other channels directly from Canva. The social networks it currently supports are:

  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn Page
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • Facebook Pages
  • Facebook Groups
  • Slack 
  • Tumblr

For now, it appears that you can only schedule static designs to post on socials, I tried video Pins and they appeared as static images in the feed. 

Having been in tech for a number of years I’m pretty confident that this is just an early iteration and that we will see much more functionality roll out pretty fast!

Canva generally rolls out updates at super speed. So bear with! 

Grab your free 30 day trial of Canva Pro here!

Get a free Canva Pro trial

How to use the Canva Content Planner and Scheduler

First up, the new Canva Content Calendar is available for Pro, Enterprise and nonprofit users only. But, you can easily sign up for a free one month trial to try it out.

And I highly recommend you do this! I’ve now been using it for a good few months now and it just keeps getting better.

There are two ways you can create a content calendar in Canva.

The first is by accessing the Content Planner on the right hand sidebar of your Canva Dash. The second is by pinning directly from your Pin design page. See the tutorials below for each method.

  1. One the right hand sidebar on your Canva Dashboard you’ll see Content Planner
CANVA content planner
  1. Click this to bring you to the scheduler.
  1. Click the little + sign in the appropriate date square.
  1. Choose whether to create a new design or add an existing one. Here I’ve clicked choose a design. This will show you either recent, or all designs… super handy.
Choose a design in the Canva content planner

5. Click the design you want to schedule.

6. If you have not connected your social accounts yet, you’ll get a screen like this below. Where you can head on through and connect the social accounts you want to publish to.

How to connect your social accounts on Canva

7. Once you click a social network you’ll be asked to connect to that account.

Check it’s the correct profile (head in and switch it if its not!) … it takes literally seconds to do this… you’ll then come back to your scheduling screen again.

(PS: Canva technology is super slick! no waiting around or glitches on certain browsers!)

add social account to Canva

8. Choose your board that you’d like to Pin to (if you’re scheduling to Pinterest).

How to Pin directly to Pinterest with Canva

9. Fill out all your posts details, including a great SEO friendly description, post title and blog or website URL.

Pin details on Canva

10. Change the date and time to your preferred option. The date option at the top will automatically show you an hour in advance of your current time.

Choose Change date and time to change this. 

Change date and time on Canva scheduler

11. Click Schedule Post! Voila! Your post is now scheduled!

To see your scheduled post head back to the main Content Planner page on Canva. Your scheduled posts will be visible on your content calendar.

You can change the details on any of your scheduled posts by clicking on the post in the calendar square. Then, clicking the 3 dots on the top right of the post.

You can delete, edit and copy the post here.

Canva content calendar

Pros of the Canva Content Planner

  • One less tool you need to use if you switch
  • Saves you a bunch of time
  • Saves you space on your device by not having to first download imagery 
  • Streamlines your workflow with less steps in the process of design to posting… you cut out the downloading… and then you cut out uploading to the platform.
  • Canva is a Pinterest Partner, so legit in the eyes of Pinterest
  • Canva has been around for AGES, so I’d say probably have a good standing with Pinterest in addition to being a Pinterest Partner
  • Saves you money. It’s free with your Pro plan. And the Pro plan is already pretty reasonably priced.
  • As a social media scheduler and design platform in one… you don’t have to have more than one tool!
  • Allows you to create a kickass content calendar, easily, and in less time
  • You can try it for FREE here
  • You can now schedule your posts to Instagram using the Canva content planner! Canva announced today (April 15th 2021) that Canva Pro users are now able to schedule their instagram designs and posts using their content planner. Co-founder and CPO, Cameron Adams said in a statement that the ability to schedule to Instagram was one of the most requested feature upgrades they had. SO SO GOOD! Thank you Canva!

Cons of Canva Content Planner 

  • So far, it only seems to allow me to post static images to networks. My Pinterest video pins did not work as videos, they were posted as images only
  • It doesn’t allow you to bulk schedule to multiple boards on Pinterest
  • I have not seen anywhere that you can link to your URL, unless I’m seriously missing something here. This is a biggy for bloggers and small business owners who generally want to link back to social posts for traffic and sales. I imagine this is coming. Shall update you on this one! 
  • UPDATE! They now allow URLs on scheduled posts! yippee! so good
  • UPDATE! Instagram scheduling is now available on the Canva content planner and scheduler!
  • You do not appear to be able to schedule Pins to secret boards

Tips for using Canva Content Planner

Organise your folders! 

One of the options when you click all in the choose a design step of the process is to choose from a specific folder. Go to town here!

Make sure your folders are clearly organised and even think about doing them by week or month for a smoother process.

I currently have Canva folders for:

  • Freebies
  • Instagram designs
  • My Templates
  • My courses
  • Pinterest board covers

Now you can schedule your Instagram posts with the Canva content planner

Does the Canva content planner post to Instagram?


Canva now supports posting to Instagram using their content planner and scheduler. You can schedule your Instagram posts months in advance with the planner. Making your marketing processes super streamlined!

Canva content planner screenshot

How to post to Instagram using the Canva Content Calendar

You Instagram strategy should be really easy to both implement and to continue. Whether you’re looking to gain more followers, establish your brand or simply inspire, Canva can help. It’s super easy to post to Instagram using the Canva Content Planner.

  1. First link your Instagram Business Account to Canva. You can do this by connecting your account via Facebook.
Black dog on grass
dog on grass with sunglasses on

2. Canva will ask you to choose which Instagram Business account you would like to connect. You can choose multiple accounts here. It will also ask you which pages you would like to add as well. You can add multiple!

3. Once connected, you can choose which account you want to post to. Add your description, then voila! You’re on your way to social media world domination. (PS: try Jasper for your social media descriptions… it’s an ai writer and it’s ah- mazing! Grab your free 10,000 credits here 🥰)

Dog on grass with chalk board

There she is!!!

Schedule direct from your Pin design page 

You can also access the scheduler on any pin design editing page from the top right hand drop down under “Schedule”.

Here you’ll also be able to choose a time and date and add in a title, description and URL before scheduling direct from the design editing page.

You will get the option here to Publish now…. or Schedule to publish later. If you click to publish later, the time will automatically schedule your post for one hour from your current time.

Adjust as required to change the date and time.

Schedule your Canva designs direct to Facebook Groups

It’s pretty cool that you can now also schedule your Canva designs direct to your Facebook Groups. And not just the ones you manage! You can schedule any of your designs to any of your Facebook Groups.

This is particularly handy if you run a group and do daily share threads!

You’ll have to add the app to Facebook to allow you to publish direct from Canva.

  1. First up, choose Facebook Group as your choice of how you would like to publish.
How to schedule to Facebook Groups in Canva content planner and scheduler

2. Click Choose another group

Choose Facebook Groups in Canva calendar

3. Begin typing in the group you want to post to, then select your Group.

Find Facebook Groups in Canva content planner

4. Connect the app to Facebook.

Add Canva scheduler to Facebook apps

5. Go to Settings, scroll down to Advanced Settings

Add Canva to facebook apps

6. Search for Canva and click ADD. Return to Canva and click Add app to Facebook. Done! You can now add designs direct from Canva to your Facebook Groups.

REALLY handy if you manage a group and want to add recurring share thread posts- like the example below.

Facebook Group graphic design

Using Canva as a LinkedIn Post Scheduler

LinkedIn is fast becoming the platform of choice for content marketers. It’s rising above Facebook and other channels as away to get reach and cut through and as a way to build trust with your audience.

LinkedIn is my channel of choice when creating your personal brand!

Canva is super useful when it comes to remaining consistent on LinkedIn. One of the best ways to gain reach on LinkedIn is by posting consistency and by creating a cadence of when you post.

Pssst– the best day to post on LinkedIn is Thursday!

You currently can not schedule posts on LinkedIn directly on the platform itself… but you can do this using the Canva post scheduler. Yippee!

Follow the instructions as you would above for any other social channel. Choose either your personal LinkedIn Profile or your LinkedIn Page.

You have a whopping 3000 characters to use in the description field! Remember to think about what topics resonate with your audience and also remember to get your LinkedIn profile optimised to increase your ROI!

Wrap up

Hmmm so, I am loving this new feature from Canva … actually loving it a lota few wee hiccups here for me just yet, the biggest being the inability to add in a URL… but someone please tell me if I am totally missing this somewhere??? This is going to be a big decider for bloggers – not being able to link back to a URl is a massive con for now.

Update: URL feature now updated. That was super quick! Tried and tested and works fabulously. Thanks Canva! I’ve also contacted them about the following feature requests!

So, I’ll keep you in the loop when they respond or update the features!

  1. Ability to add a Pin to multiple boards at once
  2. Addition of intervals for scheduling to multiple boards
  3. Ability to schedule Video Pins to Pinterest

Although I am confident that this new feature will be rapidly updated as time goes on.

In true Canva style, I’m sure this will be a winner! And am excited to see where they take this.

I’ll update this post as more comes to hand. 

Conclusion?… LOVE IT! It’s my go to every single day!

Let me know if you’ve tried it and what you think in the comments! 

You may also like:

Everything you need to know about Canva Pro and why it’s worth the upgrade

Canva content planner and calendar


90 responses to “Canva Content Planner and Social Scheduler Review 2024”

  1. I had no idea this existed. Thank you for the comprehensive introduction. I am a Tailwind user but I will consider this as it develops.


    1. Same! Needs more functionality for me at this point… but Im dead keen to see what it looks like in a month or two!


  2. This is great! I just started using Tailwind, but it’s great to know that there is an option right in Canva. Thanks for the helpful information!


    1. IKR! I think if they improve even just a slight bit I’ll switch to Canva…


  3. Thank you for this review! Exactly what I wanted to know before trying this content planner myself. I’ll definitely give it a try since I stopped using Tailwind and scheduling everything manually now. X


    1. You’re welcome! I’m not convinced yet due to the no URL thing … but Im assuming that will be added quickly!


  4. I just noticed a couple of days ago that this new feature has arrived in Canva. Reading your review of this new Canva feature made me curious to try it out. But I might wait a month or two, so they can fix their content scheduler to be even better. I think this was a wise move from Canva and I just wish they will keep the monthly price as affordable as it is now.


    1. Yep… definitely a wait and see approach I think is good!


  5. question. I use CoSchedule atm for social sharing of blog posts and stand alone social posts. Can you view analytics in canva? I’m not sure this would be a huge lose to me and if I could cut out coschedule which I don’t think would be a huge loss to me, it could save me some funds!


    1. hhmmmmm good question Sam! … I’ll investigate… but on first look it’s a no, not right now.


  6. I was just about to sign up with Later the other day when I logged into Canva to grab an image I’d created for IG. Then I saw the pop up about the comment planner and about died. I had deleted my tailwind account when I realized it was ‘pay PER platform’ and felt discouraged, so this made me so happy!
    Like you, I came wait to see where this leads.


    1. Yes! I’m in NZ so Tailwind is pretty expensive once you work it out in NZD. If I could use Canva for both I’d be over the moon! I love Canva too. Such a cool founder, Melanie Perkins. I love what she’s built and continues to build. If they could only now allow video pins… and sort a an interval scheduler for bulk boards I’d be a very happy woman. Plus would be cool to get a different view of the scheduled posts… like you have on Tailwind. Canva is definitely in the game!


  7. Such an informative post! I wasn’t aware of the Canva Content Planner which seems so helpful when trying to plan content in advance 👌🏽
    Thank you for sharing!


    1. I know I know! It’s such an awesome announcement right!? Canva is the bomb!


  8. Love this! But am I right that you can’t save drafts? You have to schedule everything to be able to save it? A “save draft” feature would be great for when you need input/approval from colleagues.


    1. You can definitely save drafts. Do you mean before publishing?


  9. Yes. If I’m not ready to schedule it – while I’m still planning my month example.


    1. Yes! you can save all your drafts and even create folders!


  10. Great review! It would be nice to schedule more than one social media at one time. Do you know if this is possible? I presently use Tailwind to schedule Pinterest. More improvements will have to be made to switch to Canva for this. What’s your view on this?


    1. Not yet! But I’ve been pretty vocal on which features I would like next with Canva! ha ha ha … I’ll most likely switch to Canva scheduling only from Tailwind once they get that and also the ability to schedule video pins.


  11. I love canva so will be looking at these recommendations, thanks for so many in depth points of reference, will be reading your guided blog post again, awesome!


    1. You’re so welcome.. I’m a huge anva fan girl! I don’t say that about many products.. .but having been in the tech industry for a long time I know a great product when I see one!


  12. This looks really interesting! I have been using Canva for quite a few years as well now, and I love it! Might want to check this feature out…


    1. It is SO GOOD! I was skeptical at first… but wow!


  13. Amy Rutledge Avatar
    Amy Rutledge

    I just started using this and I really like it! I’m not seeing where I can schedule the same content multiple times . Does that feature not exist yet?


    1. I LOVE it too…. no, you can’t schedule the same content multiple times yet, I have contacted them about this though! To schedule the same content to different boards, simply copy the pin in Canva and reschedule. Not ideal… but still works.


  14. So far we are loving it and this article was great as it shared tons of additional features I did not know about, THANK YOU! Question, we have Pro and two administrators, and for some reason we cannot find how to share the content planner with the second administrator. The other feature that we believe would be great, would be the ability to add notes (sticky note) to the calendar, when a post has been scheduled to be published directly with the application, since as you said, videos do not post as videos. Last, it would be great to be able to identify the page/group/media the post is being scheduled to. We have a few pages and groups, and when we schedule them, they all come up to the calendar which is great, but it would be fabulous if they had some sort of identifier. Thanks for your input. Glad we found you!


    1. Hi Rosa! yes, sticky notes would be super useful right! I’ll pop Canva a note about your suggestions. Sorry, I’m not sure how to help you with your sendon admin issue!


  15. OKAY. This is just awesome!! I am launching my shop’s website in March, which is housing my blog. And I am just so new to all of this. So thank you for trying this out and sharing! I’ve been looking at Tailwind, but love that Canva now has this!


    1. I 💛 Canva so, so much… I’ve actually never gone back to Tailwind! ha ha ha … No Instagram yet though… but I’m told it’s coming 🙂


  16. This would be amazing, but there’s no way I’m ready to invest the time to test this when Canva can’t even provide support for the services it already offers. I’d love to make the switch but with no chat, no phone support, and just standard emails linking to help articles and no actionable items makes me think they aren’t ready to play in this space.


    1. ahhhhh – oh no! that doesn’t sound good Jane!


  17. I have been using both Later and Hootsuite. Later provides first comment for Instagram which is not available with Hootsuite. But with Later, you can’t post on FB/Twitter without an image. I do a lot of posting with blog links and Youtube URL and hence, I use Hootsuite for them. I would love to switch over everything to Canva once they launch Instagram. However, I am not sure if I can do a post using Canva without a visual asset. If use of visual asset is compulsory for FB/Twitter then it is a big NO NO for me. I would appreciate if you can share your experience with this regard.

    I am using Canva for designing stuff and it is the NO. 1 so far. I have not found anything better than that.


    1. Hi Rahul! No, you can’t use it to schedule without a design asset right now… good point though! .. and YES! I am waiting for Instagram too!


  18. I’m wondering if you can post to multiple social channels with the same design. I can’t seem to do that (for the same day).


    1. Hey Natalie- you can – the way I currently do it is by duplicating the design asset. That seems to be the only way I’ve found that works so far.


  19. Followed your advice and tried scheduling posts. Mostly great experience, but after it posted to my Facebook page I realised an error in the image I’d created. Tried to delete the post quickly so I could amend the error, and suddenly I didn’t have permission to delete the post! Am I missing something? I no longer appear to have control of my own page. Any advice appreciated.


    1. Hi! Ohhh that doesn’t sound good! hmmm – have not ever encountered this issue before… have you tried clearing your cache and refreshing the page?


  20. I want to be able to schedule/pin other bloggers content like in Tailwind. I don’t see how to do that. It looks like I am just scheduling content from my own page. Is that correct?


    1. Hey Terri
      Canva lets you publish and schedule your own designs to your social channels – they don’t have the ability to post other people’s content, nor do they have communities. Hope that helps 🙂


  21. Thanks for the informative post. I’ve been a Hootsuite user forever and just started using canva for content creation. I post on social channels for several realtors. Essentially 1 user posting to 8 social channels. I heard that canva pro has a limit of 6 channels. Canva is a little light on the documentation…. can more channels be added/purchased in the pro-plan? Canva is a great product and I’d really like to support it. Thanks so much!


    1. Hey Donna, I’d say for a social media manager right now that Canva probably doesn’t quite fit the bill in terms of their content planner and scheduler offer. But, they are making changes and upgrades super fast, so I’d say, watch this space!


  22. Trying to schedule multiple images in the same post on IG… It says the maximum is one page per post… Have you found a workaround for this? Thanks!!


    1. hmmmm lemme investigate!


      1. Adrienne Avatar

        Any luck Louise? I’m having the same problem. So odd!


      2. No reply on this one yet Adrienne! They are updating the feature pretty fast though so fingers crossed. I haven’t found a workaround for this yet either 😦


      3. Adrienne Avatar

        Thank you for the super-quick reply!


      4. ❤️


      5. Wondering if either of you have found a work around or update or reason for this as I’m having the same problem!


      6. I haven’t! But Im hoping their next update will surface a solution ❤️


  23. Christine Conklin Avatar
    Christine Conklin

    I am trying to schedule posts from Canva to my personal FB page, which is also where I do business. It is not a group, but for some reason it doesn’t seem to be working. Is a “PAGE” something different than my regular profile? I LOVE THIS FEATURE but I am stuck! THANK YOU!


    1. Hey Christine… you can only schedule to Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups with the Canva scheduler right now…. Facebook has a native scheduler though that works pretty well!


  24. Barbara Avatar

    We do not have a Facebook page but we do have a Business Account Instagram page. When I try to schedule a design from Canva to Instagram, I get the same message about ‘how to’ post to Instagram/Facebook. Do I have to have a Facebook page to to use the Content Planner and scheduling post to Instagram?


    1. Hey Barbara… no, not that I’m aware. You seem to have to have a linked Insta account to your Facebook Page. I’ve queried Canva about this this morning for you 🙂


  25. Georgia Burrowes Avatar
    Georgia Burrowes

    Hiya – have you found any way to post to Instagram story rather than feed?



    1. Hi Georgia
      You CAN publish directly to Instagram Stories from the Canva Mobile app but not on the desktop version (not scheduling – but live publishing) … on your app open the design you want to publish to Instagram stories… and tap to ⬆️ icon at the top right of your screen… if you click “Instagram” here… then you’ll be prompted with “story” or “feed” options.

      I’ve just popped a query into Canva re the ability to schedule to stories 🙂


  26. I don’t see anywhere that it will also capture analytics. I assume that we would need another program to do this?


    1. Hey Jane
      If you schedule to any social network using Canva your analytics will still pick up conversions, acquisition etc as per normal.Are you talking about Google Analytics?


  27. Thank you for this valuable information. I am a newbie and spent hours manually designing and scheduling daily. This is going to be life changing.

    By using this external platform does it affect your Facebook algorithms? Negatively? Positively?

    I have an ebook created on Canva do you know if your audience can access the ebook from Canva?


    1. No problem! Canva is great for streamlining your workflow! I haven’t heard it affecting any algorithms negatively at all. As far as I’m aware it’s all positive! hmmmm- an ebook on Canva.. I would download it as a PDF then create a landing page on your blog where your audience can download it themselves from there.


  28. Awesome info! thanks for this. I am concerned about it hurting your page in the algorithm of both instagram + pinterest. Any word on this yet? I know previously Instagram especially didn’t like when you posted from a third party app, how have you noticed Canva pushing through the posts to be? Any issues with being shadowbanned etc???


    1. Hey Brittany, I haven’t noticed any difference at all on Pinterest in terms of reach or engagement. Because I’m not a huge Insta user, I have not noticed any difference either… but my Insta use is pretty limited.


  29. Can Canva post to Linkedin business pages? There is no option for this that I can see – only for personal pages.


    1. Hey Kim… yes! You can definitely post to a LinkedIn Page. hmmm is it not in your drop down list of options? Mine shows:

      Instagram Business
      Facebook Page
      Facebook Group
      LinkedIn Profile
      LinkedIn Page


  30. Hello, looking at making the switch from planoly. One feature with planoly is you can post to both Facebook and instagram in one scheduled post. Is this something we can do in canvas scheduler? Also, will there be an additional section for hashtags. Planoly has a hashtag addition which allows you to select hashtags to copy to post. Saves time. Cheers


    1. Hey Melanie, you can’t schedule to both in the one post… but you can schedule them separately for now. No hashtags yet! But, yes, that would definitely be a feature I’d love. ❤️


  31. This was SO helpful! I’m ready to invest in a social media scheduling tool, but since I already have Canva pro, I’m thinking of using it to save time and money. One question: Does it allow you to easily reschedule or repeat posts? THANK YOU!


    1. Hey Stephanie… for now, you can’t easily repeat posts like you would say in Tailwind. But it’s super easy to reschedule them for different times.


  32. Recently switched over from tailwind..
    The only feature I can’t seem to figure out (if it exists on this platform) is scheduling multiple photos in one schedule post… so far it seems to only allow one photo/post? Any feedback on that?


    1. Only one image per post- sorry Ellie!


  33. When trying to post to Pinterest, it doesn’t list all of my boards. Have you had an issue with this? Is there a work around? If I can’t find the proper board then I’m having to download and post directly from Pinterest. Thanks


    1. Hey Lynn, how frustrating for you! When this has happened to me I’ve just done a refresh on my computer and it’s fixed the issue, or simply log in and out of Canva. Have you tried this?


  34. Whitney A Hamilton Avatar
    Whitney A Hamilton

    I am wondering is there a way to hide the content I have already posted? I create multiple things at once – so it would be helpful if I could only see the things I have not posted yet.


    1. Hey Whitney- no, not that I have seen, hmmm good question tho!


  35. Super helpful! I am looking at Canva to replace my Adobe Creative Suite subscription since I primarily use it for creating my social media graphics. I thought Canva’s social media publishing tool may also replace my Sendible subscription so I was looking through your article to see if you can set up “queues” of post. It doesn’t look like that feature exists yet, but I super appreciate all your descriptions and screenshots!


    1. I’ve literally stopped using nay other design software! And bonus is that Ive not had to pay for any stock images either from any other sites like Shutterstock. 🙌


  36. Love this new feature in Canva! I noticed you can only schedule one post per project. I try to keep things organized within folders however it would be nice to schedule multiple posts from that one folder. Have you ran into this or found a workaround other than making a copy of the design?


    1. Me too! sadly its only one post per project and I have not found away around this for now… I just copy the design and do it that way… would be nice if this was an option!


  37. Zoe Hipel Avatar
    Zoe Hipel

    Is there a way to tag people from the content planner? I haven’t been able to figure it out, and if they don’t have that option hopefully they add it eventually! Great article 🙂


    1. Hey Zoe… no! not that Ive come across… but yes, a great idea!


    2. This was super helpful. Thank you. I am trying to find the best social media scheduling solution myself. Thank you for your insight.


      1. So glad it was helpful for you Maja!


  38. I love Canva but can’t figure out how to share the Content Planner Calendar with my team? Any tricks? I want to allow 2 of my team members to populate the calendar so i can view and approve from there. SOS xox


    1. Hey Johanna, have you invited all team members to join your account? My team members can see the cal in real time and edit xxx


      1. Catherine Avatar

        Do you know if there is a way to export the calendar? Our agency challenge is that the client team isn’t going to ever log into Canva – but if we could export these into a printable format for their approval, we could change our game and get all our clients on here – saving them time and money. Win-win.


      2. Ahhhh I see, not that I’ve found. Shall investigate further!


  39. This is great! I just want ask something about the planner though. I am working with someone else on designing and she has scheduled designs on the planner but I can’t see the scheduled posts on my end when I check the planner. We are using the same Canva Pro account. Do you have any idea how to solve this? Thanks


    1. Hey Jude … oh thats super weird! I have not come across that b4. I use teams on my Pro account with no issues at all in the scheduler. Is she using the same login as you or a sep one as a team member?


  40. Great comprehensive article – I love Canva! I’ve just signed up for a year with Tailwind but will definitely have a look at Canva’s content planner!


    1. I have both! And certainly mix things up. I love Canva for the easy design and schedule tasks.. .but Tailwind is great for the communities 🤎


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