How to quit your 9-5 job

How To Quit Your Job, And Make Money

Ever felt that working hours for money is a giant waste of your time and your life!? Yes??! IKR. 

When you’re getting up to go to work, and going through the same routines, just to earn the same paycheck, then doing it all over again tomorrow it feels like groundhog day! 

Geeez, don’t you wish there was a better way!? Well, there is. But you have to be prepared to put in the hard work and take some big risks.

For me. It’s all about having the freedom to work on things that I want to, on my own terms. In my own space. Doing what I love and spending time with the people that matter most to me. My family is, and always will be . That’s simply what my life is all about and I love it that way.

Stepping away from the daily grind and allowing yourself the time and space to find what truly makes you happy, what makes you unique and what feels right for you is a massive gift. By giving yourself time to find out what truely resides within means living a life of authenticity. A life of freedom.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to quit your 9-5 job. Get these three things in order first before you quit your day job!

Disclaimer: This post contains links, that if clicked, and you make a purchase, or start a trial, I may make a small commission, at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I 🧡

Benefits of being your own boss

Some of the BIG reasons why I love being an independent entrepreneur are that I get to create my own schedule and do the things I need to do when I do my best work. 

This might mean I take a morning walk with the dog on the beach, or spend time creating a meal later in the day when I would have otherwise been stuck to my desk. 

I can create my own schedule and work when I’m at my best. I can write when I’m at my most productive and I can create when I’m at my most creative. I’m not tied into a schedule.

I much prefer to chunk out my days and do big hits of head down focussed work… then easing back off for a little while and resting my brain.

quit your day job

20 Big Benefits Of Quitting Your 9-5

  1. Freedom to live on your own terms
  2. Job security is a myth nowadays
  3. Decreased stress and increased better mental health
  4. Increased happiness
  5. Ability to focus on passion pursuits
  6. Time to create additional passive income streams 
  7. Love your days, hours, minutes, moments again 
  8. Take back your time
  9. Life a life without regret
  10. Space to be your authentic, true self 
  11. Improved physical health and overall wellbeing
  12. Work at the best times for you 
  13. Make space in your days for the things that matter
  14. Work from wherever you like
  15. Time to join, and develop communities around your interests 
  16. Enjoy the fruits of your own labour 
  17. Live a life of purpose
  18. More closely align your days with your values
  19. Earn more money
  20. Make your own stamp on the world

How to quit your 9-5

Quitting your day job and flinging yourself into your solo career is bloody terrifying! But also liberating. Deciding to be your own boss and creating a life you love is not for the faint hearted, but it creates a multitude of benefits that far surpass the obvious. Knowing how to quit your 9-5 and knowing your real reason why you want to quit the hussle will get you halfway towards achieving your dream life.

Ask yourself these questions before quitting your 9-5

  • Do you have skills or knowledge that you can share with the world through the creation of products or services?
  • Do you have a unique talent or experience that is easily transferred to others?
  • Are you passionate about a particular topic or niche that you can expand upon and monetize? 
  • Maybe you’re great with coding or computers? Or a whizz when it comes to admin and organising? Many people have made a niche for themselves becoming a VA (virtual assistant work)… and helping other people organize their days! 
  • Do you have an idea for a product or service that makes people’s lives easier, or safer or more enjoyable? 
  • Are you an amazing baker or foodie, a talented fitness instructor, a dab hand at finances or a fantastic photographer? 

Hone in on what you love and what you’re great at and start to think about creating some mind maps around how you could easily monetize these talents and skills.

Think about what value these things might have for other people and how you could best charge for these things. 

One of the best ways to avoid the money for time trap is to create passive income streams for yourself.

Passive income is where you spend the initial time and investment to set up systems and activities that, once in motion, will make you money with little effort or maintenance. Passive income is your best friend when it comes to quitting your 9-5.

Quit your day job in 3 steps

Great examples passive income streams are buying investment property, earning money from your website or blog through ad revenue, creating online products to sell on a recurring basis and affiliate marketing.

But the main thing to think about when quitting your day job is that you can create multiple income streams by thinking a little outside of the money for time box.

Do these 3 things before you quit your day job 

1. Figure out your big picture, know your true why

This is a crucial first step in quitting your 9-5. You have to know your true why. Your reason for doing everything you do. 

Think about your goals from a heart centred approach. What is it that you truly want for your life? If you ask yourself why enough times you’ll eventually get to your answer! 

You might start by thinking you want to, let’s say… retire early… but by asking yourself why enough times, you may find that retiring early is a by product only….

You may want to retire early … because you don’t enjoy your work, that you want to spend more time with your family, that you want to create a passive income, that you want to be more creative and that you want to create batter balance in your life. 

All of that isn’t necessarily attached to retiring early, but it is about changing the way you think about work and getting paid to do what you’re great at. 

Create goals for yourself and map out your vision board. Figure out what’s important to you. You can easily create your vision board in Canva, print it out and PIN it to your wall!

Create your vision board in Canva
  • What are your values and how is working for yourself attuned to these values?
  • What would a fulfilling day look like to you?
  • What would your life feel like if you were doing what you loved to make money?
  • How would my life look in 5 or 10 years if you went out on your own now?

Do your homework on setting your goals and creating a vision for a future you love, then start working towards that. 

Baby steps at first! 

Invest in your future self. 

2. Create community around your vision

You’ll likely find that while you personally have a vision for creating a specific outcome that many other people will also either share in that vision or be inspired by your path.

Find your community! Or better yet! Create your own community around your vision. Find people that share your common interests. Be that blogging, or photography, or fishing or fitness, whatever your passion is… whatever it is that you want to do… find your people, people! 

Build relationships. Help others. And ask for help. People will love that you have a fire in your belly and humans are amazing- if you give them a chance to be.

You can start a Facebook Group. Find your tribe on Twitter or Instagram by using niche specific hashtags.  Or join in discussions on Reddit or Quora.  There are a tonne of people out there who both want to help you and want your help. 

Create social profiles for what you want to do. Start to build up your content around your passions. Create a following in your areas of interest. Be the expert! 

Content creation is one of the most basic things you need to do in order to find those folks who share your interests… and will pay for your product or service. Content is the cornerstone of building a brand and a story that’s compelling.

Building an email list is the single most powerful thing you can do when you start a business or side hustle. Start building your email list by offering a free digital product in your niche. This way you’ll get a super well qualified list of people who WANT what you’re eventually going to sell them. You can create pop ups and opt-ins in Convertkit super easily. An email list is gold, and is one of the ways you can start community engagement.

You can also easily start selling your online course or digital product online using ConvertKit or Podia. Podia even has a great free option to get you started.

Community is what builds businesses! There is simply no other way to put it! 

3. Own the value of what you have to offer

You may not believe this. But, you are 1000% unique. You have something that no one else has.

Listen up. You have that thing that so many others are searching for. And what that thing is wrapped in is of MASSIVE value

Your knowledge and skills come wrapped in an incredibly unique package. One that is not shared by anyone else on the planet. Your education, experience, values, characteristics and mindset are all things that make up who you are. 

Own it! Own who you are and the value that you have to offer.

Ask to be paid for your thing! Its as simple as that.


Knock the negative self talk on the head and own your awesomeness. This is a massive mindset shift for many. We are so wired to think we are not good enough, that we might fail. That no one will read our work or no one will buy our products or services.

BUT, Hear me out. 

That’s just your own shitty programming telling you lies!

You are worthy.

You are good enough.

You are smart and clever and A TOTAL BOSS.

So silence that inner critic and go for it!

Its ok to say… “hey, I’ve got this!” 

Wrap up

I’m by no means advocating chucking it all in on whim and taking a stab in the dark at earning money some other way.

But, I am saying – do your homework … think about your why.

  • Think about what you have to offer the world.
  • Think about what you want your life to look like.
  • Think about how you want to live your days and what doing good work looks like for you.

I’m saying- do the hard yards and invest in yourself. Then weight up if this is a risk you’re willing, and able to take. 

It might just be the step you need to get started… baby steps!

All these things above you CAN DO WHILE YOU’RE STILL WORKING YOUR CURRENT JOB, then in time you’ll be able to chuck in your 9-5 and be truly independent. You can literally start your side hustle while you’re still earning a living working for someone else. Once you are comfortable with your income, or where you are at with that hustle…. make that leap!

Believe in yourself! 

You might also like: 

How to stop self sabotaging your own success 

How to set meaningful goals to achieve outstanding results

What is passive income and how can you create freedom with passive income? 

We’re no experts in money or finances… so consult a professional advisor or other expert when making money decisions… of course 💛


43 responses to “How To Quit Your Job, And Make Money”

  1. As a creativepreneur working towards leaving my day job, these are great tips for me!


    1. Awesome! glad it’s helpful


  2. I feel like this post was meant for me.

    I’ve not even had my blog a month, but I have goals and I’m looking into strategies.

    I love how motivational your post is. I took a deep breath, like yeah I can do it. Thank you x


  3. I would love to be my own boss, but I have zero faith in myself or my abilities


    1. Oh no! Everyone has a gift!


  4. These are all amazing tips and come at the right time! Have been thinking of leaving my job for a while and planning to make the switch at the end of the year so preparing is a must x


      1. Charlie-Elizabeth Nadeau Avatar
        Charlie-Elizabeth Nadeau

        Love this! So inspiring. I needed to read this today. I like how you talk about it as a progress, something you can start doing while working and making the switch, it makes it doable. Did now know about much specific hashtags, that’s a helpful tool when starting a business, thank you! Also this part “what truly makes you happy, what makes you unique and what feels right for you is a massive gift” really resonated with me. It can be challenging to find our gift/uniqueness and use it to our advantage.


      2. It is super challenging to find our what our unique gift is, a lot of us have much more than one. And its also ok to not fully understand what this might be! I like to think of its the thing that brings you a sense of inner peace and purpose. After all life’s all about finding your inner calm and joy right?


  5. This is an amazing post filled with a lot to think about before quitting your goal. This is one of my goals in life. I am currently making a plan, I will keep checking back to look at your tips. Thank you for sharing.


  6. It’s good to be your own boss but it’s a lot of work haha. So, sometimes I wish I can be an employee rather than a boss. This is a very interesting guide!


    1. So true! There are days aren’t there!


  7. Great post – WHY is such an important is such an important step that I think can be missed by many – love the idea of doing a vision board in Canva.


    1. You gotta know your why, Sam! It’s what keeps you going when things feel hard!


  8. Great post. Whether you quit your job or not is a really difficult decision. A job does have some major benefits.
    If I had to make the choice again I think I’d decide for my freedom again . :’)


    1. yes! there’s so many perks of actually working for someone else, right!? ha ha ha …. the money is steady, paid time off, health benefits etc… it really messes with my head some days!


  9. Yes! This post says it all so well. I love being my own boss but even then still need a reminder to own it. It is the first thing I lose sight of it and on a routine basis. But the community I’m building is there to lift me up when it does happen. It’s so worth it!


    1. Love this comment, it really is the community you build that sustains you, right!?


  10. Great tips that I can use. Thanks!


    1. You’re welcome!


  11. So many great ideas! And its so true what you said, we can do all of this while still working!


    1. Most of us simply have to! Until we can tip that point where we can sustain one without the other!


  12. Nicolle Avatar

    I literally just quit my 9-5 job about a week ago after 13 years of working in marketing…..super excited about what comes next, really good read and totally reassured me in my decision!! Thanks so much for sharing 😉


    1. Nicolle! So exciting! What are you going to do!!!???


  13. Inspiring article….currently trying to make it as a business owner. Takes a lot of patience and determination!


    1. Hi Carly, ooof it’s tough aye! Keep going! Too many people quit too early and miss that opportunity that was just around the bend ❤️


  14. And an essential key is to have passion for what you do so that it doesn’t feel like work!


    1. IKR! Passion and purpose is what drives me. I also LOVE writing. Its my medium of choice. Being an introvert, I far prefer words on a page! ha ha ha


  15. These are really important steps. I think a lot of people think that if the idea is good enough you can just quit your job and start a business and be instantly successful. People don’t realize that it takes time and there is a planning and growing period no matter what business you are in. Thinking about these steps first will really help a lot of people.


    1. So much planning! and consistency as well. It’s never a one and done kind of deal. Even for the most basic of businesses, they always require ongoing effort and investment.


  16. What an amazing post! I’m lucky to have a super flexible day job that I love – but this summer I’m taking two months off to focus on my blog and other passive income streams. It’s such an exciting journey and I will definitely be implementing these tips. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom!


    1. Juliane! That’s so exciting! You’ll never want to go back. ❤️


  17. This was a very motivational post. I quit my nursing job almost 4 years ago to be a stay at home mom, but I am determined to work for myself instead of going back to healthcare. Thanks for the encouragement!


    1. Yay! Go you! Determination will get you half way there! Keep your eye on the prize and work towards it every day.


  18. A practical and honest guide to starting out on your own. Thank you!


    1. Welcome 🙂


  19. I have been trying to justify becoming a stay at home mom lately, great advice!


    1. Gosh, I really feel for you. Figure out what you want, then, make it happens- even if its slow, baby steps towards your ideal situation!


  20. This was a wonderful read, and so well laid out! Making a passive income seems like a dream come true & worth the hard work. Thank you for this post! ♡


    1. It really is a lot of hard work, but the dividends definitely pay off long term!


  21. Stephanie Avatar

    A great post. Motivational and practical advice, thank you!


    1. You’re welcome Stephanie!


  22. These are some amazing tips. I do agree to quit 9-5 you do need to know where you want to go and then you need a solid plan or things can get difficult quick.


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